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Commercial licenses

Our products

Below are our products for all organizations including non-profit, non-university research institutions and governments, except for students and university labs that might be eligible for our Academic products.


See also: detailed feature comparison.

Genozip Enterprise


Our best compression methods


Compression of FASTQ, BAM, VCF and many other genomic formats.


Genozip is an on-premise command-line tool that does not require Internet connectivity.


Unlimited use: all users, all data, all computers within the organization


Decompression does not require a license: you can always access and share your data.


Key features:


Optimized methods (under the hood) for data generated by Illumina, MGI, PacBio, Nanopore, Ultima, IonTorrent, Element, Singular and Onso.


Optimized methods for BAM files generated by 35 common aligners and VCF files generated by 23 common variant callers and tools.


Optimized methods for study types including WGS/WES, bisulfite conversion, RNAseq, single-cell. popgen and others.


--tar for creating a compressed tar file preserving directory structure.


genocat for seamless integration in pipelines.


All our advanted features:


​​--pair for significantly better compression of paired-end FASTQ files


--deep for co-compression of related BAM and FASTQ files, saving an additional 30-50%.


--bamass for compressing a FASTQ file 40-60% faster by inspecting information in a related BAM file.


--optimize for lossy options to further improving compression by subtly modifying the data​​​​​​​


Cost: US$5,000 per year

Genozip Premium


Supporting your business


Everything in Enterprise plus:


--sendto for receiving compressed files from your clients: Your clients can compress files using your license, at no cost to them. The files are only decompressible by you.


--password for encrypting data while compressing it, using standard AES-256 encryption.


--user-message for including a message that will be displayed when a user (possibly your client) decompresses the file. Useful for showing the user support information, technical details of the file or a marketing message.


First priority technical support.



​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Cost: US$20,000 per year

Genozip Biobank


For national and cross-institutional repositories of genomic data


Everything in Enterprise plus:


--password and --user-message as in Premium


Unlike all other licenses that are limited to users at a single institution, this license is for named users at potentially multiple institutions (we count only users that compress, not uncompress).


As always, uncompressing is free forever, without limitations on the number of users or organizations.





Cost: US$10,000 per year (≤ 10 compressing users, possibly in multiple institutions)


Each addition user: US$1000/year​

Academic licenses

Academic products - for students and university labs

See eligibility criteria.

Click here for commercial licenses

Genozip Research


Same as Genozip Enterprise, at ½ price


Functionally identical to Genozip Enterprise.​


Limited for use by one lab / project / center at a single university and not for data that we define as commercial.


Unlimited data volume.


Technical support available.


Telemetry disabled (unless you enable it), and an Internet connection is not required.


Cost: US$2500 per year

Genozip Student


Free, for students


For use by enrolled university students. Student ID required.


Telemetry enabled: Genozip will send a tiny log record to our server after every compression, containing aggregate statistics regarding the performance of our compression methods and meta data. We use this information to improve Genozip. 


Note: offer limited to compressing 10,000 files per institution (lifetime limitation), after which a Genozip Research license will be required.


Cost: free apply here

Pricing is also available in certain other currencies, please ask.


Questions about our licenses? drop us a message on

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