View metadata of files compressed with genozip.
genols [options]… [files or directories]…
One or more files or directory names may be given. If omitted, genols runs on the current directory.
-l, --list
Show the components of bound files. This option is implied when running genols on a single file.
-b, --bytes
Show sizes in bytes.
-q, --quiet
Don't show warnings.
-T, --files-from filename
An alternative to providing input file names on the command line. filename it a textual file containing a newline-separated list of files. If filename is - (a hyphen) data is taken from stdin rather than a file.
Show list of reference genomes currently cached in RAM. See reference genome caching.
--log filename
Send non-file output to a log file instead of the terminal.
Output the full command line upon successful or failed completion of execution.
Show a link to this page.
-L, --license, --licence
Show the license terms and conditions for this product as accepted. Combine with --force to see the version of the license current to the version of Genozip used. If you wish to change your license to the most recent one - make sure your version of Genozip is the latest and re-register with genozip --register.
-V, --version
Display Genozip's version number